Additional Roles bring more appointments!

Additional Roles in General Practice (ARRS) bring numerous benefits to the healthcare system:

  • Streamline care access without the need for external referrals, reducing waiting times
  • Increase GP capacity, allowing quicker access to care and longer appointments
  • Address personalised care and inequalities, tailored to suit local needs
  • Connect patients with local services and support groups
  • Provide personalized care and help manage complex needs, empowering patients
  • Improve collaboration between clinicians with a multidisciplinary approach
  • Ensure better patient care and more efficient healthcare system
All patients registered with a GP within our PCN (Havering North Primary Care Network) have access to above services.
For a list of practices within our PCN visit: OUR PRACTICES

Additional services currently available to our patients

For more information about the roles, referral criteria and patient benefits, please select service below.

How to book an appoitment with the above service?

To request an appointment, please contact your GP practice.
When contacting the practice, please give the name of the above role you wish to be referred to.